There’s a wide variety of frameworks when driving digital change. However, the digital change has an unique feature, that allows us to gather measurable data that allows us to adjust our actions driving the change. To approach this unique aspect, we’ve created a framework to drive the change with.
True change requires the buy-in of a critical mass of the organization. Technology or new processes alone won’t cut it, you’ll need to convince and lead the people to drive the change. But where to start from?
DGPC-Framework for driving digital change
The Champions
The champion is a role that is critical for the success of the change. They are the roles that represent and advance the desired change independently within their organizations. These are the individuals that need to be taken aboard first thing, as they will create a significant impact on their own as well.
The champions are usually in executive positions, such as the C-level individuals.
The Partners
The partners also advance your agenda, but they are not as bought in to the target state as the champions. They are great individuals in developing and advancing the agenda, but whereas the champions are independent operators that advance the agenda, the partners require constant support and guidance. The partners are roles that represent and advance the desired change within their organizations when supported.
The partners are usually in existing development roles, such as strategy teams, M&A teams, product development and business development teams.
The Gate-Keepers
The gate keepers are roles that have a huge number of subordinates below them. A constant dialogue needs to be open between the core transformation team and the gate keepers to guarantee the penetration of the agenda to the rest of the organization. The gate keepers don’t necessarily advance the agenda themselves, but without their involvement, the agenda will not penetrate throughout the organization.
The gate-keepers are usually in roles, such as team managers, financial controllers, production managers etc.
The Data Sources
The main part of the organization should be considered as data sources. True change only occurs, when the majority of the organization is influenced and they change behavior. The changed behavior should be measured on predetermined (and constantly adjusting) metrics. Based on the measured metrics, the activities and actions performed should be adjusted.
Especially in NGO’s and other organizations where volunteers constitute a significant part of the organization, the input gathered from the data sources is vital for the success of the transformation. But the data-source thinking is not limited to NGO’s and non-profits: Companies as well should keep a close tab on how their employees view the change and how does their behavior change.
The approach
When the target is clear, the approach should be from the top right corner: Activate the champions and as they drive the change, you’re free to support the partners and empower the gate-keepers. A process should be set in place to collect the required data from the data sources as soon as the champions are active.
The framework can be used also in situations, where the vision is not crystal clear. As the method is being shared out by the champions, the required information for the creation of the vision can be collected from the data-sources, i.e. the bulk of the organization. Tools for collection of data include questionnaires, interviews, and various workshops.