People first, technology last

Originally posted in Avaus Marketing Innovations website

In early February 2017, Avaus hosted the first ever Marketing Tech Summit in Stockholm, where thought leaders within the field convened and shared their knowledge and experiences. The examples and cases heard show the way ahead for a truly digitalized world.

Even though the speakers were very successful in emphasizing the required changes needed to embrace new technology, they all also pointed out that empowering the organization and obtaining sufficient support is vital to implement the changes successfully.

The three key takeaways from the Marketing Tech Summit concerning organizational development were:

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Leading networks, leading people

Originally posted at Alumni Global’s website

Leadership is mainly communication. The great leaders of history have been all noted to be great communicators; not necessarily good talkers, but truly good communicators. Being able to convey trust, a sense of direction, a better tomorrow requires the leader to communicate those ideas systematically and often. So in a world, where all the information is becoming more and more open, more and more available to those who seek it, why hasn’t leadership become more open?

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Digitalization – not just product development

Original thought piece by me, originally posted at Alumni Global’s website

Digitalization, Internet of Things, Big Data. All of these hypewords have appeared to the public discussion and used either as conversation starters – or finishers. “What are your thoughts about …?” or “Yes, but Big Data will change it all.”

“Earning models and business models are subjects to drastic change when the true digitalization occurs.”

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