I just recently changed my cloth banded cheddar into a vacuum bag. I decided on making cloth banded cheddar again and this time allow it to grow mold. These are the unique steps and learnings the cheddar has.
Cheese update – making cloth banded cheddar
I’ve completely forgotten to write a post about making cloth banded cheddar. Well I’ve done it, and it’s been ripening in my fridge for the better part of three months. The cloth banding has a tendency to grow mold (which is ok, even desirable to some extent) but I decided to unpack it, wash it and vacuum pack it as Gavin instructs.
Continue reading “Cheese update – making cloth banded cheddar”
Dry-aging beef, Part 4
It’s been a meaty spring for my dry-aging fridge. I’ve turned out chunk after chunk of marvelously dry-aged beef every few weeks. This post is finally to show that dry-aged beef isn’t a rocket science and can be easily done at home.
Dry-aging refrigerator modification – part 3
I have previously changed a thermostat and added another temperature zone to my dry-aging refrigerator. I decided to upgrade it a bit more and now it is time to add a humidity controller to the fridge.
Continue reading “Dry-aging refrigerator modification – part 3”
Cheese update – first edam
Few weeks I ago, I made a quicker maturing cheese – edam. Now the time has come to take the home made edam out of the cheese cave and give it a try.
Cheesecapade – Making edam
We ate all of the semi-ok mozzarella. Nevertheless, I was hungry to make more relatively quick to eat cheese. So I ended up making Edam.
Cheese update – trying to make mozzarella
While my goudas mature, I decided to make a cheese that is quicker to eat. So here I am, making mozzarella. I’m quite good at following directions and when I’m not following them, I usually get away with it. This time however… well read on.
Continue reading “Cheese update – trying to make mozzarella”
Dry-aging refrigerator modification
I was planning to mature both meat and cheese within my fridge. However, as their temperature requirements differ significantly and the original thermostat in my Beko has a significant tolerance, I decided to upgrade my fridge with an electric temperature controller. Continue reading “Dry-aging refrigerator modification”
Dry-aging beef, Part 3
Now that I’ve setup my dry-aging refrigerator, it was time to start dry-aging beef once more. This is a project. And as every good project needs a plan, here is my outline of my current plan and the first documentations.
Cheese escapades continue – making cheese at home
This thing just got real! I’m making cheese at home and not just talking about it! I received my order of Making Artisan Cheese: Fifty Fine Cheeses That You Can Make in Your Own Kitchen and some cheese moulds. Even better, whole milk was on sale!! So now I’m making gouda cheese.
Read on to find out who I almost flooded my kitchen and started thinking how I could replace Calcium Chloride.
Continue reading “Cheese escapades continue – making cheese at home”