Technology vs. Leadership in the quest for digital transformation

Incremental Digitalization

Originally published at Alumni Perspectives

Discussions of digitalization today tends to be somewhere along the lines of: How can we use technology X or Y to disrupt our business? How will the outer, external factors and developments affect our inner core business & operations?

However, wouldn’t the more productive conversation to have be how does your company look like when the biggest transformations are done? The direct continuation of that chain of thought is to look from the inside: is your organisation equipped with the right type of leadership to paint the vision and optimise your digital potential?
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Wabi sabi – a more sustainable way of life

Wabi-sabi way of life

I’ve noticed, that my enjoyment of crafts have changed my view on life. I previously always wanted everything to be in pristine condition and didn’t hesitate to replace stuff. Now with age, and with the spare time to fix stuff, I’ve learned to enjoy things, that I’ve fixed instead of replaced. This acceptance of transience and imperfections is called Wabi-sabi.

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New visuals

crowdsource graphic design

This blog is relatively new, so a lot is going on. Not just content, but the layout, visuals and technical solutions are being continuously evaluated. I decided to crowdsource graphic design and get a new headerimage from DesignCrowd and the design competition is now over! The winning design has its place on the top of the blog.

Here are the results:

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Crowdsourced graphic design

Crowdsourced graphic design

The title image for this blog is a sketch done by Leonardo DaVinci in 1510. I think it represents the generalist approach he had during the renaissance period. But I wanted the image to convey a more modern feeling. So I crowdsourced graphic design.

I wanted this blog to be original in as many aspects as possible. I thought, that it would more than suitable that I have an unique header image for my blog.

So please vote your favourite of the ones I’ve chosen at

Edit: The voting is closed, and I’ve chosen the ones to continue with.


Organizational pulse interference

Organizational well being for engineers. Measuring the pulse of an organization and combining psychology, physics and leadership to get some information out of it. I sometimes find these similarities between various disciplines and even though they may be obvious to people, I enjoy the thought game of trying to explain anomalies using another disciplines terminology.

So here we are, measuring the pulse of an organization and deciding on actions through pulse interference.

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Iron in my mind

Iron bloom

What is the history of iron? How did we start turning rocks into tools, iron from ore? I’ve been interested in the history of technology for quite some time and my interest always leads to trying out stuff myself. So I’ve been on a road to make a simple iron tool from scratch for a while now and here is a rather extensive take on how to smelt your own iron.

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Journey from a transactional business to a customer-centric business

Thought piece by me originally published at Avaus Marketing Innovations

A lot of companies have been on a journey to change from a transactional business into a service business. Companies previously sold software licenses and now they sell subscription services. Where previously engines were sold, now lifecycle engine services are the buzzword.

The transactional business model works when the clients know their problem and the solution to their problems. This kind of business is easily copied and usually the competition is fierce and based specifically on price. What’s more important, the price/value comparison is extremely easy for the customer.

In the service business, the customers know their problem but not necessarily the solution. The actual value for the service is thus much higher than when the customer was buying a product that acted as the solution. Price comparison is significantly harder and the price is no longer a measurement of quality. A good service company is easily capable of up-selling its offering if it is related to the problem.

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Digitalization – the first true revolution in business history

Thought piece by me originally published at Avaus Marketing Innovations

Digitalization – It’s a buzzword because it works!

The reason why digitalization is such a hot topic is not because it sounds like a “cool thing” to do, but because it is probably one of the first true revolution in business history. (In comparison, the industrial “revolution” 1760-1840 took 80 years. Sure, there are a lot of similarities as well.)

Digitalization is defined as the integration of digital technology into everyday life. As business and working is a major part of everyday life for most people, it is probably the main thing to change. Being able to automate processes, measure aspects of business that were previously unmeasurable and even cross reference and apply information from a wide variety of sources to provide insight into decision making.

And all these are done so that the core rationale behind businesses can thrive: Making a profit.

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